SigniPi Documentation

What Does it Do?

SigniPi is designed to streamline and enhance your presentation capabilities. Here are some benefits:

  • Multi-Format Support: Compatible with photos, videos, PDFs, and more.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplified workflows for creating and managing displays.
  • Dynamic Content: Integrates with APIs for real-time updates.
  • Secure: Robust authentication and payment processing.
  • Customizable: Flexible templates for various display types.

Application Overview

The application provides features for managing multimedia displays, secure user authentication, and seamless integrations. Here’s an overview of the core functionality:

Core Features:

  • User Authentication and Role Management
  • Screen Management Anywhere in the World
  • Cloud Storage for Content & Graphics
  • Automatic Screen Autentication
  • Complete CSS and Disply Customization
  • White-Label Availability

In Development:

  • API Access
  • Screen Health Dashboard & Auth Status
  • Screen Analytical Stats

Supported File Types

Display Type Purpose
Photo Handles photo slideshows or galleries.
Video Manages video playback.
PDF Renders PDFs or cycles through pages.
Presentation Cycles through slides (e.g., PPT/PPTX).
Multi-Media Combines photos, videos, etc.
API Handles dynamic API-driven displays.


It's easy to launch a billboard with SigniPi.

Steps to Launch A Digital Billboard

  • Create an account
  • Add a display
  • Connect Your Screen (
  • DONE!

A Short Note From the Developer:

I created SigniPi because I was tired of the hassle involved in provisioning Raspberry Pi devices for digital signage. Between imaging the devices and figuring out the signage UI, the process took way more time than it should have. The goal of SigniPi is to simplify everything. Since most Pi devices already have a browser, setup should be seamless.

SigniPi is still in active development, so there may be occasional bugs. If you come across any, please don’t hesitate to reach out! My goal is to make the platform affordable, fast, and intuitive. Hopefully, you’ll find it just as useful as I do.

One more thing—I'm also tired of services paywalling basic features like CSS customization. The only things I plan on charging for are services that directly cost me resources (such as users adding additional screens and storage). Otherwise, you’ll never have to pay for features that should be included by default.


Feel free to connect with me if you have questions or comments!